Corrective Massage Techniques: Cervical Region
This course will teach the therapist how to effectively assess the client's cervical region for signs and symptoms, identifying whether the issue is muscle, tendon, ligaments, or fascia related. The student will learn the indications, contraindications, and application of techniques.
Pathologies taught in this class include Forward Head Flexion, Military Neck, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Arm Numbness and Tingling, Torticollis Headaches and Migraines.
Techniques appropriate for the specific, presented conditions will be taught.
This class offers 12 ce credits
Watch videos of neck assessments you’ll learn in this class!
All classes are held at 350 East Butler Ave Suite 104 New Britain Pa 18901. Be sure to bring a lunch or snack. Please review all muscles and actions of this joint!